Avoid These Types Of Toxic People In Marriage

Episode Overview

Toxic people are everywhere we go, so how do we navigate relationships with them? In this podcast, we share the first five toxic people you want to avoid in your marriage.

Identifying Toxic People

“Toxic” has a different meaning to different people. We identify toxic people as those who draw you away from God – people who wear you out and bring you down.

Proverbs 13:20, “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the
companion of fools will suffer harm.”

Dealing With Toxic People

Identifying toxic people is one thing, but knowing how to navigate these relationships is another. While we urge people to properly guard their hearts by stepping away or removing certain people from your world, we also know that’s not always entirely possible. In this podcast, we discuss strategies you can use to set clear boundaries, as well as give you a needed reminder to guard your heart.

5 Types Of Toxic People

  1. The Manipulator
  2. The Judge
  3. The Victim
  4. The Gossip
  5. The Social Media Attention Seeker

Who’s On Your List Of Toxic People

We’d love to hear who would make your list. Drop us a DM on Instagram and make sure to join us next week for part two!