Episode Overview
Kids have been challenging their parents for generations. While this is nothing new, it doesn’t mean that it’s easy for parents to navigate.
During this podcast, we discuss why we’re often at odds with one another and what we can do to help our kids and ourselves to preserve a healthy relationship through these difficult seasons.
The Battle of Agendas
Until you come to grips with the fact that you and your children have different agendas, you’ll probably wonder what on earth your kids are thinking. However, if we think back to our childhood, we may recall those moments where we too pushed against our parents and how it is often a healthy and natural part of becoming an adult.
Keys To Building A Lasting & Stronger Relationship
In this episode, we explore some key realizations and healthy practices during times of tension.
- Be Engaged, Not Overbearing
- Recognizing The Seasons Of Parenthood/Childhood
- Taking Time To Listen To Your Kids
- Instilling Principles, Not Just Teaching Practices
- Learning How & When To Give Away Authority
Communication Tips
- Set up times to talk to your kids
- Practice asking questions without giving answers
- Be inquisitive – why do your kids think tension exists
- Pray for them! Prayer isn’t the only thing we do, but it can be the first thing to do. Invite God into the situation.
- Know that friction and tension will always exist – lean into it instead of running from it
Take Action
Write a letter to your child. Express your love for them and speak life into them. Focus on the character traits that you appreciate, not just the work or things they do. Remind them that God loves them and has a great purpose for their life!